“Pain go away in Jesus’s name”. I said it through a very strong pain. I needed a miracle, nothing worked. I said it several times fully persuaded and agreeing I’d receive it. Nothing, Completely no difference. There was zero improvement.
What’s going? I have had two strong lower back pains in two slightly different parts of my lower back and both of them left after prayers. I expected it would be the case this time, but nothing happened.
First Time After Jamaica
Back in May 2016, I had a strong pain on my right-hand side of my lower back. Before heading to Poland I and my wife were staying in Croydon at our friends Kris & Leedna’s place. I had a lower back pain reoccurring for years. This time it was painful when I walked. Plasters and creams did not seem to make any difference, so before going to Poland I stepped out and asked my friend Kris for a prayer, I did not have much faith but I also did not have many options, and to my surprise, it worked. It was amazing, it completely left.
Second Time in Costa Rica
It was around 2 am in the morning, my wife woke me up and asked me to take her to the toilet. Her mobility during the trip was very strongly affected. Because of her MS she needed assistance to walk, but this time she could not even take few steps, so I lifted her up and carried her to the toilet. And then suddenly something snapped, I felt that piercing pain going through my lower back and as a result, I was not able to even straighten up.
We were far away from home in Costa Rica. My wife needed my assistance and I could not straighten up, it was bad. Then I remembered Art Thomas’s story where he got healed from his back pain and then when he was carrying sofa the pain returned. He said that the “Jesus’s logic” kicked in and he prayed for himself fully believing he would be healed and he was. He said that the devil will try to convince you that you are not healed and we cannot make an agreement with it.
I was at a very desperate point. My mind was at a point of “this is not negotiable” there is no place for my pain as my wife needed my assistance. I laid my hand on my lower back and commanded the spirit of infirmity to go away. I remember in my mind it was a very determined place, there was no room for options, I was almost angry it happened. I prayed a very authoritative command and instantly I got healed.
Third Time
This time it was a different place of my lower back, it came out of the sudden. It came 2 days before our mentoring trip to Peterborough. I and my wife were about to go for a 2-day mastermind trip to Peterborough and then 3 days of a workshop in London, this was our opportunity to earn money. First I was not too worried, I laid hands, confident and fully persuaded it would go away as it went twice before… but to my surprise, nothing happened.
The pain remained. I tried several more times with authority and assurance but again, nothing. The pain continued to be getting worse and worse. God, what was going on?
It reached a point that I left a voicemail to one of the staff in the company, telling that I needed to most likely cancel it because of the massive lower back… I must have sounded like a 70-year-old exhausted man. I was having a tough time sitting on the sofa. The pain was shooting through my body.
I took my wife to the beauty salon and back, it was only about 5 min walk but taking every step hurt me. It cost me so much effort to get to and back from the saloon. I barely managed to make it back home.
The Youtube Guy
When I reached home I dropped on the carpet to rest. I felt inside myself a gentle leading thought. “Check youtube”. I searched for a lower back problem and found a video called “How to Fix “Low Back” Pain (INSTANTLY!). I needed instantly.
I clicked on it, there was this really excited guy sounding like a pumped-up salesman saying with a smile “hey if you are having a lower back problem, I will show you how to get rid of it today…” I was not sure if I was to continue watching it, the guy was making this big promises. It just did not feel real. In the last few days I tried everything, prayers, plasters, creams, even got painkillers but with zero help.
Since the pain was so strong I decided to continue watching it. The youtube guy showed a simple exercise to lay on a side and lift my leg up with an angle, I did it.
To my total surprise virtually within 2-3 min, I felt so much better when I stood up, straightened up, bent down to touch my toes and I could not believe, around 70% of the pain was gone. According to the youtube guy, the pain came from sitting in the same way and muscles in the lower back they got conditioned to an unhealthy position to a point of hurting. It came as a result of wrong posture and lack of exercise.
You Cannot Always Get What You Want
Shortly after these thoughts came to me. If God granted an answer to my prayer the way I wanted to remove the pain without correcting my posture and highlighting the root of the problem, most likely in a very short time it would have come back. No amount of plasters, creams or painkillers would make any difference, I needed to change my daily habits.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Some people could say, why God did not take the pain away and reconditioned the muscles. Sometimes our lives need correction to remove the reason for the problem, not the symptoms.
God has created this earth and established hundreds or maybe even thousands of different laws. Violating them carries consequences.
- If we do not drink enough water we violate the law of hydration of the body
- If we ignore sleep we violate the law of rest
- If we jump off the building we unwisely used the law of gravity
- If we feed our body with sugar and other acidic substances we violate the law of delicate PH
- If we do not exercise we violate the law of movement and stretching that body needs.
What’s the point of praying for healing if we continue to cause damage to our bodies by smoking cigarets, eating sugar, not exercising. There are diseases and sickness that come as a result of wrong lifestyle and poor choices. All the glory goes to God.
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