I took a deep breath, the warm air hit my face, the memories from the five years spent in the country started rushing back in. After 13 hours of flying, we finally landed in Malaysia. My wife’s sister was about to give birth and become a mother for the 5th time.
When we stepped outside of the plane we both felt a bit strange, hard to describe it, but we both registered it and moved on.
Anywhere we looked, there were people wearing masks. It was the beginning of February, still the early days of the coronavirus outbreak and during those days Asia was the only part of the world affected. Europe did not have any problems yet.
We took a taxi right to the hotel, rested for a while, and then went to see the family. The kids grew up so much, My wife’s sister had a huge belly, ready to pop any minute.
It was lovely to see everyone, but my wife seemed rather tired. I thought it must have been the long journey and the jetlag. However, the longer we stayed the worse it was becoming. Eventually, when we were leaving sister in law’s place, My wife’s body became so weak that she struggled to hold her head by herself, it felt as if the neck muscles were not able to hold her head straight; the head was dropping involuntarily.
After The First Night
We got back to the hotel, I thought she simply needed some rest and she would get better. However, when she woke up, she was still really weak. It was hard to describe, it took her about an hour before she was able to speak, she was like half absent. Seeing her in this condition, we decided to go to a doctor. It turned out to be another infection. Strangely, she did not have any infection for the entire year. The last one was when we were in the Maldives a year ago.
We got home, my wife took the medication, I gave her plenty of water and we hoped for the best, I thought that a bit of sleep and she would be fine.
Scary Morning After the Second Night
When I woke up, instead of becoming better, she became way worse, it was far from what I expected. Her face was looking as if she was almost dead or about to die. She did not seem to have any strength, even be able to swallow her own saliva. She heavily struggled to take a simple breath. I’d never seen her in a state like that. I tried to speak to her, she did not respond at all. I tried lifting her hands, she was not able to hold her hand nor make any movements. The muscles seemed not to be working at all, I tried lifting her, but her head just dropped, as if it was not supported by the neck muscles.
I carried her gently to the toilet, I was expecting the trunk muscles would at least be able to keep her straight. However, when I let her go, she immediately started collapsing inward.
In order to lock her in a safer position, I gathered pillows from all around the apartment, padded her, and fixed using all I brought.
Now what?…
What shall I do?
What are my options?
Do I go to the doctor? It sounded pretty serious, however, I did not want the doctors to pump my wife with steroids as they did in the past.
Second option, maybe I should call my wife’s family? But they would panic, rushed her to a doctor and she would be pumped with steroids.
The clock was ticking.
To my surprise, my heart was filled with peace.
Slowly, the spiritual principles started coming in. I suddenly remembered the power of the authority, the power of worship, the fact that life and death are in the tongue.
The Spiritual Fight Begins
Being virtually out of options, I decided to step out in faith. I started speaking with authority from the depth of my heart. I aggressively commanded the sickness to leave her body. I read over her psalm 91 and guess what…
Nothing happened…
Part of me was saying, you are irresponsible, there might be irreversible consequences, go to a hospital immediately.
Since the peace in my heart remained, I pressed on, I loudly sang in the toilet “I raise a Hallelujah in the presence of my enemies”, I kept declaring healing verses and the truth over her body. I kept pressing in and after about twenty minutes or so, I suddenly noticed that my wife gently lifted up one of her fingers. The rest of her body was like dead, but one of her fingers lifted up. Seeing the small progress I burst out in rejoicing as if she had already been completely healed.
Cloud As Small As a Man’s Hand
Elijah’s story came to me, after 3 years of severe drought, Elijah prayed for the rain to come to the land. After praying he asked his servant to check for any sign of rain. There was nothing 6 times but finally the 7th time the servant reported to Elijah “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!” Elijah told his servant to hurry up and prepare a chariot to rush back home before the heavy rain would catch them. Even though those were the days of severe drought in the land, it did not rain for 3 years, but it was enough for Elijah to see a small cloud of a size of a hand to be fully assured that his prayer was answered.
1 Kings 18:44 Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!” So he said, “Go up, say to Ahab, [a]‘Prepare your chariot, and go down before the rain stops you.”
Seeing my wife’s finger lifting up, the joy burst out of my heart and I was singing and dancing, I took it as an assurance that my wife has been completely healed, even though in natural her body looked nearly void of life. I pressed on, I rejoiced, sang louder and louder.
Shortly after, she lifted up another finger, then her full hand. I continued, I pressed on with all my heart, then she mumbled her first word, then she joined the signing mumbling. It was incredible to watch, it was as if the life was being injected to her and she was becoming better and better in front of my eyes. Eventually after around 2 hours of fighting she was completely restored. It was nothing short of awsome display of God’s power. I have never experienced anything like that.
We managed to finish our breakfast, my mum in law and my wife’s sister came by. They brought food and visited as they were very concerned after what they had seen the previous night.
It was perfect timing, we virtually just finished the fight and they came to see her completely restored… but we could not share anything that had taken place… I was screaming with joy and the good news on the inside… but could not say a word…
Later on, when I asked my wife about her account of the experience. She described it referring as: scary and very dark thoughts were flooding her mind. It felt in some way familiar to a moment when my wife’s best friend’s mum was passing away. My wife recalled being strongly tempted with the thoughts of death and in that moment she said to herself “I’ll not die but live and declare the works of the Lord” and then she was pulled out the darkness.
Second Attack – Back in Walsall
About two weeks passed, we returned to the UK, we did all the tests for urine and blood, they came normal. My wife was all good and then one morning, I woke up at 5 am and I wanted to do some work before going to college. I noticed that the same thing came over my wife, the weakness, the problem with speech, and more. We fought it in the same way for around two hours and my wife got back to normal, fully restored. It was like flipping a switch and we went to the college the same day.
Third Attack at The Hotel
I could not scream, I could not use the authority loudly as we were in one of the hotels in London. I was about to start a half-day workshop with clients who flew from all around Europe but when we woke up, my wife was back to being weak again.
I fought it best I could, she started getting better I left and moved on to preparing for the workshop. I was confident she would get restored but she did not. We were planning to see her childhood friend, but we had to cancel the visit, partly because their lift was not working and partly because my wife was extremely weak and we did not see any signs of her getting better.
Forth Attack – The 8 Hour Battle
We got home on Saturday night, I gave my wife loads of garlic, ginger, and somehow hoped she would be better when she wakes up. In the middle of the night she was even weaker.
When I woke up in the morning, it was the worst ever, she was bearly able to breathe, it looked as if her lungs could stop at any moment, she struggled to take a single breath, she was so weak, she could not open her mouth, she was not able to pull back the silva, she was not able to say a word. It all reached another level, it was way worse than what we experienced in Malaysia, it looked close to death.
Dark thoughts started coming in, what if she died…how will I tell the news to the family? What if it is a coronavirus, what if she is going to be the 1st case to die in the UK?
The deep dark clouds were coming in very intensely. I struggled to start the fight, I worshipped, I declared the psalm 91, it took over an hour but no progress, I tried everything I knew and all what I had done in Malaysia but it did not work this time.
Hours were passing fast. I was alone in the apartment with my wife, she was not getting any better.
I really thought I should call an emergency, it was not a joke, what if she died, what it causes irreversible disabilities, loads of dark thoughts were flooding in one after another, these were one of the toughest moments in my life… but the peace did not depart.
After a few hours of fighting, then she finally moved her finger, I started rejoicing like in Malaysia, hoping the battle is over. Again a cloud of a size of a hand was enough for me to spark me up joy and believe for more. Then she moved her hand, then she was able to mumble a word, it took another 30 min or so of warring till she reached a point of being able to mumble a few words, but still extremely week. I pressed on, continued for long time, but no more visible progress…
I was exhausted, after around 7 hours of fighting I needed to buy a few things so I went to the shop. On the way I was asking God “Lord shall I call emergency or not”, I was talking to God, I did not want to make any mistake. I was asking God and I continued to have peace in my heart in the middle of this crazy storm. Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts…”.
I got home, she was still bearly mumbling, 8 hours passed since we started fighting, we prayed again and out of a sudden after the last prayer, it all left her instantly and she was back to normal, as if somebody took it away with a loving hand.
Days have passed and then we had another two attacks, not as severe as the last one, and after that, she was all good, as if something finally departed.
John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” This is my God.
Here are a few big lessons: do not accept or agree with the sick condition but fight it with all you have. Raise above the current situation, give thanks and rejoice for what is already done in advance. All the glory goes to God.
Here is the song with a miraculous story of a little boy that inspired me to fight on: “I raise a Hallelujah in the presence of my enemies”.
The Malaysia event overlapped with a college about to commit suicide click here to read more
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