Maldives – Rule Over The Fish In The Sea

Last weekend I got invited to join a fishing trip with 5 other guys. We met just after 4:30 pm at the ferry terminal, I got picked up by a friend and taken to a spot where we were supposed to take off from. While waiting at the shore I saw a massive dark cloud of rain over the blue sea. The captain and the rest of the guys came by around 20 min later, they

brought all the fishing equipment, a bucket full of black parts of tuna that we were to use as bait and loads of food

The captain gave a go ahead, so we got on to a pretty small boat. It was only about 4 meters long and there were 6 of us inside. The sea was very rough. Even though we were going at a slow speed, the big waves kept crashing in over and over, all of us got immediately soaked through, there was nowhere to hide. I tried to record a video but that was quite risky as the phone got wet. That was loads of fun though.

It took us around 20 min of the bumpy ride to get to the fishing spot, we anchored the boat just behind the “Full Moon Resort” at around 5.30. Even though there were dark clouds on the sky, we still could see the gorgeous flood of yellow and orange light over the turquoise Maldivian sea, we were watching how the sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. Next, to our boat there were two other fishing boats. Everyone was waiting with anticipation for the prayer to call as we are now in the month of Ramadan and it was the time for breaking the fast.


Before setting up properly the fishing equipment my colleagues set up the table on the plastic boxes, prepared drinks, and food. The wind died down, it was nice and quiet. The yellow and orange colors were getting more and more intense. In that moment there was a sudden cheer coming from one of the boats, there was a group of dolphins swimming between the boats. They swam slowly, graciously in the rhythm of the relaxing atmosphere we had around. I paused for a moment, reflected and felt a flood of gratitude going through my body. What an amazing experience to be able to participate in such a beautiful moment. It was a very special one that I will remember.  Everyone was thirsty and hungry, the prayer called shortly after and we started the breakfast with a dried date and a sip of a drink. The food was delicious.

Right after filling our stomachs we got back into hunting mode, we pulled out reels with lines, attached weight, hooks, fix the bait and threw it down. They told me to keep the bait just above the bottom, that was about 20 m down.

The captain caught the first fish, then other guys, but I could not catch anything. Then captain got second, third, fourth, I still had nothing. Other guys got some more too, finally, there was only me and a Maldivian friend, Ali, without any fish. I told him that I challenge him to who is going to catch the first fish. He accepted the challenge, but around 30 min later he seemed to have given up so he laid down on the boat and tried to fall asleep.

Captain was clearly the winner, he outperformed everyone. By then it was already 3-4 hours in and I still had nothing. I have noticed my faith and positive expectation started going down so I decided to use this time to increase my faith. In the face of adversity, despite the lack of results I decided to believe. I said a prayer and waited more and still nothing. I felt determined that I need to catch something before I leave. Then I remembered a sermon by Bill Johnson called “The Perfect Storm” I listened to it several times a couple of weeks ago when I went to Singapore. When Moses faced adversity, he cried out to God and God asked him “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied.” Exodus 4:2.

So I felt I am supposed to take charge with the authority that we have received because we are “Kings and Priests” Revelation 5:10. Then I remembered one of the pastors shared a testimony of a native Malaysian who has just accepted Christ, he was a fisherman and got a good catch after a similar prayer. We were born to “Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28. That includes fish, so I prayed “I command the fish to come and bite our bait”. I did not have to wait long and got a massive rainbow runner, it was so strong, that the line nearly cut my hands. Then shortly after, a school of rainbow runners passed under our boat. There were 3 of us on the left-hand side of the boat and 3 of us caught a rainbow runner at the same time. The fish fought strongly to a point that they twisted two of our lines so we needed to pull them out together. It was loads of fun.


Jesus said, “If you can believe,[a] all things are possible to him who believes.”
I do not know your situation, maybe you run business and looking for customers, maybe you are struggling with health issues, maybe you are going through relationship challenges, I suggest, have faith and call upon the Lord, because he said “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13. I know it is true, I cried to him more than once and He answered me. I shared my testimony about Mat Rempit. All glory goes to God.

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